Get Started on the Road to Taking Better Pictures!
It doesn't matter what type of camera you own or if you are a beginner or an advanced amateur photographer. You can find information on this site that can help improve your general photography skills and knowledge.
Try starting with Basic Photography 1, 2 or 3 below or one of the the other subjects listed under them. You can also just click the menu icon above to find a subject of interest to you.
Basic Photography 1-The Camera
Simple explanation of how a camera works and the main parts of a camera. Knowing the functions of the camera and what is happening when you press the shutter will help you make better decisions when taking pictures.
Continue to The Camera
Basic Photography 2-Camera Exposure and Settings
Learn how the camera lens aperture, the camera shutter, and the ISO setting work together to help you get properly exposed pictures. Learning about camera exposure settings is one of the most important basics of photography.
Continue to Camera Exposure Basics
Basic Photography 3-Photography and Natural Light
Depending of the type of natural light outdoors when you are taking pictures, your images may have a cool tone or maybe a warm tone. Even the time of day you take pictures will have an effect on the overall look of your images.
Continue to Natural Light and Photography
After taking a look at the basics above, take a look at some of the other subjects below or continue to the list of subjects on the tutorials page. Continue to Tutorials
Simple explanation of how a camera works and the main parts of a camera. Knowing the functions of the camera and what is happening when you press the shutter will help you make better decisions when taking pictures.
Continue to The Camera
Basic Photography 2-Camera Exposure and Settings
Learn how the camera lens aperture, the camera shutter, and the ISO setting work together to help you get properly exposed pictures. Learning about camera exposure settings is one of the most important basics of photography.
Continue to Camera Exposure Basics
Basic Photography 3-Photography and Natural Light
Depending of the type of natural light outdoors when you are taking pictures, your images may have a cool tone or maybe a warm tone. Even the time of day you take pictures will have an effect on the overall look of your images.
Continue to Natural Light and Photography
After taking a look at the basics above, take a look at some of the other subjects below or continue to the list of subjects on the tutorials page. Continue to Tutorials
Tips for Fall Foliage and Autumn Leaves Photography

Once the colors of the autumn leaves start changing, they become a great picture just waiting to be taken. Fall foliage pictures can be taken with any type camera including cell phones. You just need to use the basic rules of photo composition and know how to get a properly exposed picture. This tutorial will provide some suggestions on how to take nice fall foliage pictures.
Continue to Fall Foliage and Autumn Leaves Photography
Continue to Fall Foliage and Autumn Leaves Photography
Camera Phone Photography Tips

Everyone uses their camera phone to take spur of the moment shots as well as planned shots. There has been a huge improvement in the quality of pictures taken with camera phones over the last few years but are you using your camera phone to its full potential? This tutorial will go over some general features found in camera phones as well as some tips to help improve your overall photography skills.
Continue to Camera Phone Tips
Continue to Camera Phone Tips
Taking Pictures of Sunsets and Sunrises

Sunset and sunrise pictures are probably some of the most stunning pictures you may take. The great thing about them is that they are not as difficult to photograph as you may think. This tutorial will give you some suggestions on how to get some nice sunset/sunrise shots.
Continue to Sunset & Sunrise Photography
Continue to Sunset & Sunrise Photography
What is Negative Space Photography?

Negative Space photography is a photo composition technique in which the primary subject of the image occupies less space in the image compared to area surrounding it. The effects may be dramatic or show a sense of scale between the primary subject and the surrounding area.
Continue to Negative Space Photography
Continue to Negative Space Photography
Night Photography-Taking Night Shots

Don't be afraid to venture out after sundown to get some great night shots. You don't have to be a professional to take stunning night shots. A Camera, a Tripod, and some basic knowledge of camera exposure settings are all you really need to get started.
Continue to Night Photography
Continue to Night Photography
What is a Bridge Camera?

A Bridge Camera is a compact camera equipped with many of the features usually found in Digital SLR cameras. Super Zoom Lens cameras are often included in this category. Bridge cameras are said to "fill the gap" between Compact Cameras and Digital SLR Cameras.
Continue to Bridge Cameras
Continue to Bridge Cameras
What is a 35mm Equivalent Focal Length?

Digital camera lenses have a 35mm equivalent focal length. If you have been wondering what that means, check this tutorial and you will understand why there even has to be a 35mm equivalent focal length.
Continue to 35mm Equivalent
Continue to 35mm Equivalent
What is ISO?... and how to use it

Your ISO setting is part of the exposure triangle. We all like to change the shutter speed and aperture setting to obtain the correct exposure. However, in many tricky lighting situations, your ISO setting could be your best friend.
Continue to What is ISO?
Continue to What is ISO?
Try Using Your Camera's Program Mode

Just because you have a camera that has manual setting functions doesn't mean you have to fumble with them all the time. The P mode allows you to retain control over all camera functions, but the Shutter Speed and Aperture settings will be taken care of by the camera.
Continue to Program Mode
Continue to Program Mode
Black and White Photography

Black and White photography might be the old way of taking pictures, but it is new to most of today's photographers. Learn the differences between shooting black and white rather than color. It is not difficult and your results might give you some shots to brag about.
Continue to Black and White Photography
Continue to Black and White Photography
Flower Photography

Flowers are one of the most popular photography subjects. They are beautiful and come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes. Plus, who doesn't like flowers. They are everywhere and are not too difficult to photograph. This tutorial will give you some tips and suggestions to help take your best shot of flowers.
Continue to Flower Photography
Continue to Flower Photography
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